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 They say that life is a journey. 

Unfortunately, women often end up following someone else’s map to success.

What if you could rewrite the story, navigate according to your own passion, and follow the lead of your own spirit? 

Imagine yourself on a wide road through a vast, open territory. 

Behind you are the mountains of achievement - education, career, family, and the comfortable life you’ve built. Before you are all the possibilities that following the path toward “the good life” might offer. 

There are moments when the whole world is bathed in golden light and you feel like you’re headed the right way.  You’re proud of all that you’ve accomplished and created. You walk with the people you love, and (most of the time) you’re grateful for the company.

And yet…

When you’re really honest with yourself, the bag you’re carrying is too heavy and the shoes you’re wearing aren’t nearly as comfortable as you’d hoped. You barely notice the lovely view because you have so much on your mind. Even when you walk in the midst of a crowd, you tend to feel lonelier than you admit.

More and more, you’re aware that the best of your energy is devoted to maintaining the daily routine. It’s like everything conspires to drown out the little whisper inside you that says, “There’s something more. There’s more magic, more possibility, more life waiting to be explored.”

That’s when you realize it: keeping up appearances and keeping everyone happy has forced you to lose track of your own desires, your own passion, your own spirit. You’ve lost track of you in this long walk to get it all right.

What if you could get free

of all the expectations

(including “this is what a woman like me is supposed to do and care about”)

and you walked the path that makes your wise and wild soul truly come alive?

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 Suddenly, the landscape you know so well changes and everything looks a lot more interesting. The usual crowd drops back and you see a new group of people ahead of you.

Women of all ages are gathered before a great portal. One by one, they step through the beautiful columns that look like something from a painting or a tarot card. You feel the tug to join them and you trust yourself to step through…

On the other side, those same women have organized themselves into a circle. On the other side of the portal they were strangers, but now they giggle and cry and dance together. They look into one another’s eyes when they speak and hold these insights as sacred and important. They reach out to embrace one another, showing they understand. 

You can be a vital part of this community that is grounded in freedom, connection, and a dedication to healing, abundance, and joy. 

Each woman is still on her own journey (she hasn’t forgotten all the people and commitments on the other side of the portal), but she’s here to nurture and discover what really matters to her so she can return to her life with renewed energy and vision. 

When you spend time in this circle of women you find the bravery and clarity to re-craft your life according to feminine wisdom, sacred curiosity, and the kind of spiritual awakening that makes everyday life feel a little more bright and worthwhile. 

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I’m sitting beside you in this gathering of women. I’m also here to walk beside you, and occasionally challenge you, as you make your journey your own.

I know what it’s like to be stuck in the routines of daily life like work, parenting, partnership, and religion (or whatever way you were taught to talk to God). I know what it’s like to be locked into the straight lines of modern life, when all I wanted was to live the spirals of my passion, imagination, and connection to divine source.  

I was on the path I was “supposed” to take as a wife and mom while I juggled my career as a psychotherapist. On the inside, I just wanted to play with mud and sparkles and be with women who understood the struggle to be my authentic self in a patriarchal world that’s founded on crushing feminine wisdom.

Though I tried to tell myself I had everything I really needed, I was always aware of what my  “good enough life” still didn’t include what I yearned for: 

  • a chance to be my fullest wild self

  • consistent connection with nature and divine source

  • mystical tools like crystals and oracle decks and ancient mind-body-spirit wisdom like the chakras and the human energy system

  • a sisterhood with other women who wanted to play, explore, laugh and cry together

Back then, I didn’t have access to a community of like-hearted women to rely on or a lineage that honored this kind of holistic, embodied spiritual growth I craved, so I set about finding healers and teachers and gathering the tools I’d need to open to forge my own path. 

Over several years, I created my own portal of awakening and set about transforming a life paved with other people’s expectations and created a reality rooted in my real needs and desires.

And here we are today… I kept what I loved about my life (my husband and sons and my just-the-right-size therapy practice are here to stay). And I called in what I needed: training in a form of sacred dance and movement called Qoya, a horse of my own named Elvis, and new work as a coach and facilitator of sacred experience for women who want to step through the gateway of soul, spirit, and sisterhood.

 After so much wandering and wondering, 

here’s what I’ve come to understand:

we need an everyday lived spirituality that is about celebrating the spark and the sparkle -

in ourselves, in each other, in all beings on this beautiful earth. 

What does it take to make that spark and sparkle real? Spiritual practices that open your soul. Conscious movement that opens your body. Community gatherings that open your heart. Sacred space (not just in our women’s circles, but in everyday life too) that opens you to the divine nature of the world.  I’m here to help you find what works for you and to weave all those elements into your life.

What else do you need to know about me before we begin this new inner journey together? I trust that the Universe has a great sense of humor and always conspires on our behalf. When we can pause, ask for support, laugh, and then surrender to the great flow of all that is, then we’ll have all we need to find the inspiration, fulfillment, and joy we crave.